How did TestEd work?

Information on how TestEd worked.

Girl providing a saliva sample for Covid-19 testing through the TestEd research programme

University of Edinburgh staff and students were invited to register to be part of the programme. They were then supplied with a Participant information sheet (participant_information_sheet_v8.0_31_march_2022_clean.pdf), a participant number and barcode. The barcode was used as to allow anonymization of the samples but allow identification of the participant at TestEd booths/designated collection points.

A saliva sample was self-collected in a quick, easy, non-invasive process. The instructions for saliva collection were as follows: instructions_for_saliva_collection_v4.0_2_march_2021_clean.pdf.

It was recommended that samples were given at least twice a week, and could be deposited at 25 locations across Edinburgh (and the Beatson Institute in Glasgow).

Results were returned the day after a sample was donated.  Participants were contacted by text and email to prompt then to log on to their individual TestEd dashboards to receive their results.

If an individual tested positive, they were e asked if they would like to participate in a follow-up interview with a researcher. The interview aimed to explore the views and experiences of staff and students regarding regular testing and examine how participants who test positive respond to public health advice.  The research team was interested in the barriers and facilitators to participating in testing and to the self-isolation element of public health advice.

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